Re: “G” Spots and Issues
Dear L.A. ED 2010 People:
Please be advised that since so many members of the group have garage “issues,” I would like to suggest we refrain from using the “g” word in each others company.
The fact that Mr. & Mrs. D--- came to the meeting unfashionably late because they could not get out of their “you know what” and their South African sushi-chef-in-training roommate had the only functioning remote to raise the steel gates should never be brought up again. Mr. D’s climb up the wall and various other failed methods are now completely forgotten.
While we are it, please do not tell me what I should do with my “g” door. Just because it gets really heavy in the rain and I can’t open it is my issue not yours. Mention of the fact that during one rainy season, I strained my neck and back dealing with said door and was in pain for days is verboten as well as the incident when the door was not fully open as I walked out and it caught my up-do pulling my hair. The matter of said leaking roof causing the stored Christmas ornaments and old panty hose to grow mold is an unacceptable topic of conversation.
Please refrain from discussing the time when I was up on top of “the thing that usually houses cars” sweeping off the green swimming pool of water and the ladder fell, leaving me stranded for an undisclosed time. The downward hop to the fence, while holding on for dear life is history not to be repeated.
Above you can see a picture of the unmentionable “g” from the outside which to world looks just fine. So let’s keep our lips and doors closed on all our dirty little “g” secrets.
Please note: a new plastic or metal door with color windows would destroy, “the let’s convert the carport to a g%/~#@e with as little cost as possible” look.
Sincerely yours,
Lynn Walford
House’s homepage.