AMUZE: Commentary Humor Etc.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Letter To Mary Schmich Pomona '75/ Chicago Tribune Columnist

Hello Mary:

Thanks for speaking at the Pomona College alumni symposium this weekend. I particularly enjoyed your comments about the “boys” and “girls” at the town hall meeting.

Your talk on Saturday was especially illuminating. You really hit on something with your refrigerator quotes. I think you can tell a lot about people by what they have on their refrigerators. I bet you if you surveyed your readers you’d get some very perverse responses.

As for myself, I had a psychoanalytical field day when I got home and looked at my fridge with lots of magnets that had nothing to hold-up, a free magnet from my insurance agent and the following:
Bukowski Fridge Magnet
A Charles Bukowski, create your own poetry magnet, all in one piece with no poetry created from it. Mmmnn, maybe this relates to my current state of not being able to write poetry because I’ve been so busy writing non-fiction or perhaps it acts as a symbol of all poetry which are words that have not been placed in the right order yet?

Another major portion of the fridge reveals the other love of my life, my dog, Ewok. His food is stored in the great white magnate holder and if he could, he would be this dog from Callahan:
Dog Practicing Telekinesis

So now you too know that I am a petrosexual(or canine-o-holic.) Not only do I take my dog everywhere (a feisty little yorkie-poo whose Web page was Goggled before I was) but his influence also takes up most of the fridge!

Congratulations on having a successfully brilliant/inspiring refrigerator and talk.

If/when you publish it someday, I’d like to post it on my fridge…

Sincerely yours,
Lynn Walford