How Many E-mails Does it Take to Get Donuts to AWG Meeting?
I can't go into the previous months of conference calls and e-mails it first took to get the donuts to the Alameda Writers Group meeting but here's what happens when writers order donuts for their monthly meeting:
1. From Volunteer organizer Sue cc:ed to President (Marc) and V.P.
Hey Lynn,
I know you are the wonderful person who arranged for the donuts to be delivered to the AWG GMM's, but I'm wondering how it all works (a little late in my job to find out, but I'd like to know none the less). Actually my interest is peeked due to the unusual Sat. that's been chosen for the July meeting. It's the second Saturday (7/10) instead of the first. Does the bakery automatically show up or do you remind them? If you are the one that's in touch with the bakery, I guess this is just a reminder that the meeting is on July 10 next month.
Could you let me know how the donut connection works for future changes, or if I need to call the bakery directly?
2. Response from Lynn:
Hey Sue;
As far as I know, Christina’s Donuts receives a check before the meeting with the date of the meeting on the check. The treasurer mails the check.
I have told her that we usually we don’t meet in July, but that was last year. Please note: everyone dealing with this topic has donut issues, so we try to deal with it delicately. I used to call the donut place and e-mail the treasurer but then some sort of donut system was set up.
I do not know how the system works during leap months…
If someone so pleases you may call the donut place to remind her/check on the order. It’s open 24 hours a day.
The donut saga continues.
C’ya at the meeting.
3. From Sue the Next Morning:
Would you have ever thought donuts could be such a mystery? I'm assuming that you set up the initial order a long long time ago and they just keep sending the same thing. What do you think?
----- Original Message -----
From: Treasurer, Bruce
To: Sue
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: Donuts
Hi Sue. I will order them for July 10th. I will send them a check this week and I will also call and make sure they understand the meeting is a week later than usual. The question is however, who does order the donuts? Sure, I make sure they are paid for and delivered, but who actually tells the donut place what donuts to bring? Since I never make it to the meetings, I have no way of knowing if the members are getting the kinds of donuts they really like. We should look into this. Bruce.
On Monday, June 28, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Sue wrote:
Hey Bruce,
Just a thought, but do you order the donuts or just pay for them? I have asked Alan Miller the same question, because I want to make sure that the are delivered on July 10th and not this weekend.
Did you receive the checks I sent you? Sorry they were so late.
4. Response from Lynn cc:ed to Sue, Bruce, President Marc and V.P. Travis
Hi y’ all:
The standard order is two dozen fancy and two dozen regular donuts.
The fancy include fritters, filled (like jelly and custard). I personally like a custard donut once in a while.
She makes them fresh just for us. I noticed the apple fritters didn’t go too well last time. You can suggest she substitute something else.
If you put the type of donuts to a vote, we may not decide until next year.
Just say two dozen fancy and two dozen regular….forget the fritters.
5. Response from President Marc
RE: Donuts, Donuts, and More Donuts!
I love donuts!
Donuts are the most important part of the entire AWG!
And I'm fond of the custard ones, too.
Who needs fritters? I sure as hell don't. Donuts are an American obsession. Fritters doesn't sound American!
Sue, thanks you for handling this.
Lynn, thanks you for getting back to her so promptly, and for being so helpful.
We'd hate to have to pay for donuts to be delivered on the wrong day (7/3), and then not have any on the right day (7/10).
Sue, let me know if you are able to make contact with the donut person and all is good.
Comment from Lynn:
That's why we voted against bagels.....
1. From Volunteer organizer Sue cc:ed to President (Marc) and V.P.
Hey Lynn,
I know you are the wonderful person who arranged for the donuts to be delivered to the AWG GMM's, but I'm wondering how it all works (a little late in my job to find out, but I'd like to know none the less). Actually my interest is peeked due to the unusual Sat. that's been chosen for the July meeting. It's the second Saturday (7/10) instead of the first. Does the bakery automatically show up or do you remind them? If you are the one that's in touch with the bakery, I guess this is just a reminder that the meeting is on July 10 next month.
Could you let me know how the donut connection works for future changes, or if I need to call the bakery directly?
2. Response from Lynn:
Hey Sue;
As far as I know, Christina’s Donuts receives a check before the meeting with the date of the meeting on the check. The treasurer mails the check.
I have told her that we usually we don’t meet in July, but that was last year. Please note: everyone dealing with this topic has donut issues, so we try to deal with it delicately. I used to call the donut place and e-mail the treasurer but then some sort of donut system was set up.
I do not know how the system works during leap months…
If someone so pleases you may call the donut place to remind her/check on the order. It’s open 24 hours a day.
The donut saga continues.
C’ya at the meeting.
3. From Sue the Next Morning:
Would you have ever thought donuts could be such a mystery? I'm assuming that you set up the initial order a long long time ago and they just keep sending the same thing. What do you think?
----- Original Message -----
From: Treasurer, Bruce
To: Sue
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: Donuts
Hi Sue. I will order them for July 10th. I will send them a check this week and I will also call and make sure they understand the meeting is a week later than usual. The question is however, who does order the donuts? Sure, I make sure they are paid for and delivered, but who actually tells the donut place what donuts to bring? Since I never make it to the meetings, I have no way of knowing if the members are getting the kinds of donuts they really like. We should look into this. Bruce.
On Monday, June 28, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Sue wrote:
Hey Bruce,
Just a thought, but do you order the donuts or just pay for them? I have asked Alan Miller the same question, because I want to make sure that the are delivered on July 10th and not this weekend.
Did you receive the checks I sent you? Sorry they were so late.
4. Response from Lynn cc:ed to Sue, Bruce, President Marc and V.P. Travis
Hi y’ all:
The standard order is two dozen fancy and two dozen regular donuts.
The fancy include fritters, filled (like jelly and custard). I personally like a custard donut once in a while.
She makes them fresh just for us. I noticed the apple fritters didn’t go too well last time. You can suggest she substitute something else.
If you put the type of donuts to a vote, we may not decide until next year.
Just say two dozen fancy and two dozen regular….forget the fritters.
5. Response from President Marc
RE: Donuts, Donuts, and More Donuts!
I love donuts!
Donuts are the most important part of the entire AWG!
And I'm fond of the custard ones, too.
Who needs fritters? I sure as hell don't. Donuts are an American obsession. Fritters doesn't sound American!
Sue, thanks you for handling this.
Lynn, thanks you for getting back to her so promptly, and for being so helpful.
We'd hate to have to pay for donuts to be delivered on the wrong day (7/3), and then not have any on the right day (7/10).
Sue, let me know if you are able to make contact with the donut person and all is good.
Comment from Lynn:
That's why we voted against bagels.....